Wednesday 3/21 WOD
Week 4 Standings are in:
1. Wodaholics 16 points
2. Burpee Love 10 points
3. Snatch Attack 8 points
4. WOD Squad 6 points
5. Rogue Warriors 5 points
6. WOD Ninjas 2 points
This is the last week to get points for your team! Don't forget to mark up your scores on 18.5 and your stars for getting in four workouts! Only 5 points separate 2nd - 5th place so every point counts!
This Friday we will be cooking out after 18.5. Make sure to RSVP on Facebook or at the Box so we know how many people to expect. Boxed Gourmet will have a table set up with free samples. Check them out on Facebook and Instagram. For those counting macros, they are macro friendly.
Every 3 Minutes for 21 Minutes:
200m Run
5 Alternating Arm Dumbbell Snatch Each Arm
3 Muscle Ups
Cash Out:
Handstand work