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Wednesday 3/7 WOD

Week 2 standings are in:

1st - Wodaholics 19 points

2nd - Rogue Warriors 12 points

2nd - Snatch Attack 12 points

4th - WOD Squad 11 points

5th - WOD Ninjas 9 points

6th - Burpee Love 6 points

Way to bring it for week 2! Can't wait to see what week 3 brings! Remember to put up your star and write your score on the team board! Encourage your teammates to get into the box!


Every 4 Minutes for 28 Minutes (7 Rounds):

  • 20/15 Calorie Airdyne

  • 15 Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

  • 3 Bar Muscle ups

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