Saturday 8/26 WOD
In a Team of 3:
10 Minute AMRAP:
P1: 200m Run
P2: Max Reps Wall Ball
P3: Rest
*Score = Max Reps of Wall Ball.
Rotate when person is finished running.
Rest 2:00
10 Minute AMRAP:
P1: 20/15 Cal Row
P2: Max Reps Burpees
P3: Rest
*Score = Max Reps Burpees.
Rotate when person is finished rowing.
Rest 2:00
10 Minute AMRAP:
P1: 15/10 Cal Bike
P2: Max Reps Toes to Bar
P3: Rest
*Score = Max
Reps Toes to Bar. Rotate when person is finished biking.