Tuesday 2/27 WOD
101 starts next week! It's Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for two weeks. We are asking that all athletes sign up ahead of time and meet with a coach for 5-10 minutes to go over their goals. $149 for the first 30 days!
Kids Bootcamp will be starting Saturday, March 10th. You will need to create an account in Mindbody for your child and we are doing a 10 pack so you can sign them up for the Saturday's that work with your schedule. This is for kids ages 5-12. If your child has been in CrossFit kids before they may already have an account and you can message Kori to check. The 10 pack for Bootcamp is $85 and classes will run from 10:15 - 11:00 each Saturday.
8 Rounds for Time:
200m Run
10 Toes to Bar
8 Push Press